Sunday, April 7, 2013

Catching Up

It has been a LONG time (before Christmas) since I've posted so I'll just do a quick update:

December - Januaryish - Christmas was great! I had to work the day before and the day after so we stayed around home.  A few days after Christmas we went up to Idaho Falls to visit my parents for a few days. This year we actually made it to midnight on New Year's Eve! (we're so grown up)

Someone's happy to be awake!
Christmas aftermath

February - I've now been at my job for a year! Crazy! I sadly don't have any pictures of me in my scrubs. But just picture a really boxy white scrub top with an unflattering black scrub bottom.

On to Valentine's Day. I'm pretty sure I have the best husband! We had plans but things got messed up when I had to work that night. He improvised and set up a little surprise for me for before work. These pictures don't do it justice! Maybe next year we'll get to celebrate together.

All my favorite foods and he couldn't decide on which flowers...isn't he sweet?!

March - We've been updating our house for the past couple months. We're almost done with the main floor, only a backsplash and wood floors left. After seeing a picture on Pinterest, I knew we had to put stripes in the bathroom on the main floor. Pretty sure my husband isn't the biggest fan of Pinterest now. It took A LOT longer than we thought but I think it was worth it! It turned out amazing! Also, we've changed a few things around in the front room and we're so excited to get it all done!


Making the lines straight was one of the hardest things I've ever done!

Added some shelves and TA-DA!
Dustin learned how to hide the cords...doesn't it look great!!

April - April started out with Apollo getting fixed. He has hated every minute of the "cone of shame" but has definitely milked it for all it's worth! We've had to hand feed him and even hold a cup of water while he drinks from it. Just a few more days until the cone comes off and he gets back to himself.

Look at that sad face!

We did a little something out of the ordinary a few days ago. We, along with some of Dustin's family, went on a ghost tour. It was a lot of fun and learned some stuff about Utah that we didn't learn in 4th grade history class. We went to where Ted Bundy's cabin used to stand. It was so creepy! We went to a few other places in Salt Lake but we weren't lucky enough to catch any ghosts ha ha.
Just a couple of ghost busters!
Listening to some ghost stories
Posing after our ghost out Ghost Adventures!

A few things coming up in the next few weeks...
My brother and his cute fiance are getting married Saturday! And then the Saturday after, one of my best friends is also getting married. And to top off all the excitement, Dustin and I are going on a cruise beginning of May. We can't wait!!

More pictures to come...